Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cardiff Castle

Today, I decided to visit Cardiff Castle.

Cardiff Castle is a medieval castle located in Cardiff, Wales. It is over 2000 years old and was transformed from a Norman keep erected over a Roman fort. The castle is a Grade I Listed Building in the U.K., i.e. one of exceptional interest. The Third Marquess of Bute, with the help of architect William Burgess, began the architecture alterations that brought Cardiff Castle its ornate interior and exterior design.

Photo Credit: Matthew Black. Retouched.
Bing Maps pulled up a satellite view of the castle as well as some beautiful “Bird’s Eye” views of it.

Google Maps provided “Street View” perspectives of the castle, both from its camera-mounted cars and photographs people have shared on the Internet.

Flickr pulled up a slideshow of beautiful photographs of the castle.

The best sources I found for information on Cardiff Castle were Yahoo! Travel and Wikipedia. The official website allows you to book tickets and plan your visit to the castle.

I visited Cardiff Castle in person almost 9 years ago when I was in sixth grade. I remember marveling at how beautiful it was and how large the castle grounds were. I spent years after that visit dreaming about visiting it again and imagining what life must have been like for the people who once lived there.

Photo Credit: Ann Lee


  1. These are incredible photographs and visuals... really brings your personal story to life.
